Saturday, April 9, 2016


The absolutely ratchet, low class, ghetto, thugged out, stereotypical, back-peddling, offensive behavior of certain ethnic groups never ceases to amaze me.  Due to an incident that occurred last night in which someone tried to break into my apartment (through the front fucking door....while I was home)  I, like any rational, responsible, normal member of society would do, called the police for officers to come handle the situation instead of me reverting back to old behaviors and channeling my inner thug and handling the problem with myself, my temper, and my knives I keep on hand just in case of just such an emergency.  The problem in all this is that dispatch then called me back and asked me to step outside to make contact with the police officers.  So I complied, made contact, where I then, like a fucking IDIOT, proceeded to provide all the information to the police officers that they requested as to who I believed was responsible or involved in the attempted break in, which just so happened to be one of my now ex-neighbors who had just been evicted that same day.  This neighbor also, for the record, happens to be hood AF, a drug dealer, and the prominent leader of this particular racial group residing in this apartment complex.  While I had only distinctly heard his voice and was able to confirm that it was him, I didn't, unfortunately, get a clear solid 100% confidence visual of him, which the officers told me that I needed to do in situations like this so they knew (or had an idea) of who they needed to go after and be looking for.
Here's where it get's interesting and the foreshadowing of troubling events takes place:  REGARDLESS of my lack of a positive visual recognition and confirmation of the identity of said hood rat, they still, well Gosh wouldn't you know it, just so happen to find him wandering around the complex a short distance away after a tip off from another neighbor who had seen him up to no good.  So, needless to say, any idiot can connect the dots here.  But it all went downhill from there.  Word apparently spread fast in "their" networks that I was the one that not only called the police, but provided them with all the information needed to identify and detain the person in question, which has now resulted in the situation I'm currently stuck in:  being a fucking prisoner in my own motherfucking apartment.
Another neighbor, who happens to be this person's brother, now has it out for me and is basically camped out in front of his window facing my apartment waiting for site of me, at which at his first opportunity is going to take any chance he can get at fucking me up.  My fear of this was confirmed today when I was walking back inside my apartment with a case of gatorade my mom had brought me and just as I got back into my apartment, he bolted out of his and took off up the stairs towards me to, without a doubt, attack me, but was stopped in his tracks by my guardian angel of a neighbor, S____.  She came right out and intercepted him and they proceeded to get into a shouting match full of expletives and reasons why he was going to "fuck that motherfuckiug faggot [] up.
THEN, on top of this, S____ and I discovered that the individual from last night that I helped identify as being involved in the attempted break ins, was secretly hiding out at his brother's apartment along with the rest of his hood rat clan and, from what I've gathered, now has a fucking hit out on me or some shit because, basically, if II step outside my front door or leave my apartment in the next few days, I'll probably be attacked and brutally fucked up.
So here I am, stuck in my apartment on a rainy day, hating my neighbors, people who ignorantly and obliviously play into negative stereotypes society already has about them, and also just hating this whole situation all together because I mean c'mon ....REALLY?  I'm fucking a prisoner in my own goddamn apartment?  This is some fucked up shit.

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