Saturday, April 2, 2016

What Happens when somebody else becomes your focus

Okay so what started out as a well-intentioned, selfless, attempt at being of service to a friend who is currently in the midst of all the chaos that comes with a move (especially in his case since he's moving to Texas from Las Vegas) turned out to be a complete, total, disorganized, frustrating, argumentative, cluster fuck, that left me feeling unappreciated, kinda used, and robbed of spending any real good time with my friend before he leaves for Texas, because the only time we spent together over the last 24 hours was him giving me directions on what to throw away, keep, separate to the site for shipping, or what needed to comed with him in his car for the big drive to Texas.
Don't get me wrong I'm happy I was able to help and provide my assistance to a close friend.  Not only my assistance, but the kind of assistance that's my favorite and best quality:  organization and streamlining and categorization out of chaos and disorder.  I LIVE for that shit.  Bringing shape and order and uniformity and consistency and accuracy to what used to be an absolute mess.....It gets me excited just thinking about it.
However, lines of communication must have gotten mixed up somewhere, because after I had finished the job and everything was gathered up and placed where it needed to be (or so I thought), I get a phone call from my friend a short while later saying not only did he leave his keys to get into the house INSIDE the house, but also that he thought I meant I was going to take care of every loose odd and ends of packing up, prepping, and organization his belongings of what's being thrown away, shipped, or driven with him.  I'm not even going to lie:  that infuriated me, because I took pictures on my phone of the finished products and organized areas and also took a shot video tour of the entire house to display on video for the property management company that the house is, essentially, being returned in the same condition that my friend received it in.  Because if they see he kept up on maintenance issues and taking care of the property, he gets like over $1000 of a security deposit back. So I can understand his frustration in wanting to make sure this gets done and done right.  That's a lot of money.

But dude,'s just time to throw some shit away!!!!

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