Wednesday, December 31, 2014

And Here at The Close of 2014....

Well, it's New Year's Eve.  2014 is finally coming to a close.  I've gotta say:  the majority of this year was shitty.  I've bounced around between 2 different sober living houses, had a suicide attempt, lived with that psychopath Tommy for 2 months, lived with my mom for 2 months, had several relapses all throughout the year...But these last few months and all the blessings that have come with it have almost made it all worth it.  God has bestowed my with so many gifts and blessings that it has made me appreciate all the bad stuff even more because it makes me even more grateful for the good stuff I have now.  OH, and EDC this year too, I'm super grateful for that of course lol.
Overall, I'm safe, healthy, and happy at this, the close of 2014 and I thank my Higher Power for watching my back at every moment of this year.  So many blessings and gifts have been granted to me as this year wound down and for the first time in a long time I can honestly say that today, with where I'm at...I'm happy.  I'm clean and sober, I'm safe, I'm healthy, I have wonderful people in my life, I have an amazing Sponsor, I could go on and on, but I'm just going to close with this:  2014 has been crazy, both good and bad.  But I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for me.

Happy New Year everybody.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Here Comes NYE

Again, I'm up entirely too early.  I wonder if it's because I'm going to bed so early?  I went to sleep around 9/9:30 last night so I technically did get enough sleep, but still -- I have no reason to be awake at this hour.  Also, it's fucking COLD out!!!  Almost too cold for a cigarette.  But I'm committed, a little frost in the air won't deter me from killing my lungs.
Otherwise, I feel like there's this anticipation building in lieu of New Year's Eve.  I don't know why though.  I'm probably not even going to be awake for the countdown and neither is my mom.  We're both usually asleep before 10 PM, so I doubt we'll make it to the countdown.  I do have some resolutions though and one of them is getting back to the gym and losing some of this fucking weight.  My sponsor said he'd go to the gym with me so that'll be some added motivation and support.
As for my new curtains that I posted about yesterday -- they're working out wonderfully.  They block out the sun...most of it anyway, but it sucks because I haven't been able to tell if they'll keep me asleep or not since I've been waking up so goddamn early!  DUMB.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Moving On - December 29

Learn the art of acceptance.  It's a lot of grief
                                        -Codependent No More
Sometimes, as part of taking care of ourselves, it becomes time to end certain relationships.  Sometimes, it comes time to change the parameters of a particular relationship.
This is true in love, in friendships, with family, and on the job.
Endings and changes in relationships are not easy.  But often, they are necessary.
Sometimes, we linger in relationships that are dead, out of fear of being alone or to postpone the inevitable grieving process that accompanies endings.  Sometimes, we need to linger for a while, to prepare ourselves, to get strong and ready enough to handle the change.
If that is what we are doing, we can be gentle with ourselves.  It is better to wait until that moment when it feels solid, clear, and consistent to act.
We will know.  We will know.  We can trust ourselves.
Knowing that a relationship is changing or is about to end is a difficult place to be in, especially when it is not yet time to act but we know the time is drawing near.  It can be awkward and uncomfortable, as the lesson draws to a close.  We may become impatient to put closure on it, but not yet feel empowered to do that.  That's okay.  The time is not yet right.  Something important is still happening.  When the time is right, we can trust that it will happen.  We will receive the power and the ability to do what we need to do.
Ending relationships or changing the boundaries of a particular relationship is not easy.  It requires courage and faith.  it requires a willingness on our part to take care of ourselves and, sometimes, to stand alone for a while.
Let go of fear.  Understand that change is an important part of recovery.  Love yourselves enough to do what you need to do to take care of yourself, and find enough confidence to believe that you will love again.
We are never starting over.  In recovery, we are moving forward in a perfectly planned progression of lessons.  We will find ourselves with certain people -- in love, family, friendships, and work -- when we need to be with them.  When the lesson has been mastered, we will move on.  We will find ourselves in a new place, learning new lessons, with new people.
No, the lessons are not all painful.  We will arrive at that place where we can learn, not from pain, but from joy and love.
Our needs will get met.

Today, I will accept where I am in my relationships, even if that place is awkward and uncomfortable.  if I am in the midst of endings, I will face and accept my grief.  God, help me trust that the path I am on has been perfectly and lovingly planned for me.  Help me believe that my relationships are teaching me important lessons.  Help me accept and be grateful for middles, endings, and new beginnings.

5 AM? Really?

What the fuck am I doing up so early?  I woke up at 5 AM and couldn't go back to sleep.  I didn't stay up late, not like I did Saturday night for Evangelion (thank God, I couldn't have done that 2 nights in a row).
I had another great day yesterday.  Mom came over for lunch, we hung out at my apartment for a bit then we went to Michael's to buy a frame for this vintage Star Wars comic book I found in one of my boxes in mom's garage.  The comic is from 1977!  I could sell it and try to make some money off it but I decided to frame it and keep it because it's got history...and it's really cool.  After that we went and bought curtains and then went to her house real quick to pick up an extra curtain rod she had laying around.  Then we took all our findings back to my place and installed the rod and curtains over the window in my room.  The blue of the curtains matches my blanket perfectly and it's going to block out the morning light of sunrise which, usually, wakes me up.
I'm also excited because I talked to my Sponsor yesterday and I got the go ahead to get started working on my Steps again.  I'm super excited to get started writing and to re-learn things about myself.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Don't panic!
If panic strikes we do not have to allow it to control our behaviors.  Behaviors controlled by panic tend to be self-defeating.  No matter what the situation or circumstance, panic is usually not a good foundation.  No matter what the situation or circumstance, we usually have at least a  moment to breathe deeply and restore our serenity and peace.
We don't have to do more than we can reasonably do -- ever!  We don't have to do something we absolutely cannot do or cannot learn to do!
This program, this healthy way of life we are seeking, is built on a foundation of peace and quiet confidence -- in ourselves, in our Higher Power, in the recovery process.
Do not panic.  That takes us away from the path.  Relax.  Breathe deeply.  Let peace flow through our body and mind.  From this base, our Source shall supply the necessary resources.

Today, I will treat panic as a separate issue that needs immediate attention.  I will refuse to allow panicky thoughts and feelings to motivate me.  Instead, I will let peace and trust motivate my feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.

You Are [Not] Alone and You Can [Not] Advance

So I got crazy last night.  I decided to stay up late and didn't go to bed until 2 AM.  But I had a damn good reason:  Toonami on [adult swim] was airing the re-makes of Neon Genesis:  Evangelion:  1.11 You Are [Not] Alone and 2.22 You Can [Not] Advance.  At first I thought they were just going to air the first movie, but at the first commercial break after 1.11 started they showed a fucking epic commercial that said they were airing 2.22 right after so I was not only surprised but I sort of flipped the fuck out in my excitement.
Both movies were INSANE.  Psychologically deep, thought provoking, INTENSE, and gloriously bloody.  It was definitely a push outside of my comfort zone to stay up that late but it was SO worth it.  I haven't sat down and watched a full anime in years and it felt good (and still feels good today) to have done something I enjoy so much.  Sure, I may have slept in until almost noon, but I never have anything pressing to do on Sundays so I think I'm going to make this my new Saturday night routine:  Suze Orman at 6 PM, then Toonami on [adult swim] at 9 PM for a few hours for whatever movie is on or for a few shows until I tire out and go to bed.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Near The Top - December 27

I know you're tired.  I know you feel overwhelmed.  You may feel as though this crisis, this problem this hard time will last forever.
It won't.  You are almost through.
You don't just think it has been hard; it has been hard.  You have been tested, tried, and retested on what you have learned.
Your beliefs and your faith have been tried in fire.  You have believed, then doubted, then worked at believing some more.  You have had to have faith even when you could not see or imagine what you were asked to believe.  Others around you may have tried to convince you not to believe in what you were hoping you could believe.
You have had opposition.  You have not gotten to this place with total support and joy.  You have had to work hard, in spite of what was happening around you.  Sometimes, what motivated you was anger, sometimes fear.
Things went wrong -- more problems occurred than you anticipated.  There were obstacles, frustrations, and annoyances en route.  You did not plan on this being the way it would evolve.  Much of this has been a surprise; some of it has not been at all what you desired.
Yet, it has been good.  Part of you, the deepest part that knows truth, has sensed this all along, even when your head told you that things were out of whack and crazy, that there was no plan or purpose, that God had forgotten you.
So much has happened, and each incident -- the most painful, the most troubling, the most surprising -- has a connection.  You are beginning to see and sense that.
You never dreamt things would happen this way, did you?  But they did.  Now you are learning the secret -- they were meant to happen this way, and this way is good, better than what you expected.
You didn't believe it would take this long, either -- did you?  But it did.  You have learned patience.
You never thought you could have it, but now you know you do.
You have been led.  Many were the moments when you thought you were forgotten, when you were convinced you had been abandoned.  Now you know you have been guided.
Now things are coming into place.  You are almost at the end of this phase, this difficult portion of the journey.  The lesson is almost complete.  You know -- the lesson you fought, resisted, and insisted you could not learn.  Yes, that one.  You have almost mastered it.
You have been changed from the inside out.  You have been moved to a different level, a higher level, a better level.
You have been climbing a mountain.  It has not been easy, but mountain climbing is never easy.  Now, you are near the top.  A moment longer, and the victory shall be yours.
Steady your shoulders.  Breathe deeply.  Move forward in confidence and peace.  The time is coming to relish and enjoy all which you have fought for.  That time is drawing near, finally.
I know you have thought before that the time was drawing near, only to learn that it wasn't.  But now, the reward is coming.  You know that too.  You can feel it.
Your struggle has not been in vain.  For every struggle on this journey, there is a climax, a resolution.
Peace, joy, abundant blessings, and reward are yours here on earthy.  Enjoy.
There will be more mountains, but now you know how to climb them.  And you have learned the secret of what is at the top.

Today, I will accept where I am and continue pushing forward.  If I am in the midst of a learning experience, I will allow myself to continue on with the faith that the day of mastery and reward will come.  Help me, God, understand that despite my best efforts to live in peaceful serenity, there are times of mountain climbing.  Help me stop creating chaos and crisis, and help me meet the challenges that will move me upward and forward.

2014 Christmas Re-Cap

Christmas this year was truly wonderful.  I spent the night at my mom's house Christmas Eve and we each opened 1 present early that night.  Then on Christmas morning we opened all the rest of the presents we had for each other.  I got my mom "Eat Pray Love" on DVD because she loves that movie and also I found this beautiful clay statue called "Guardian" and it depicted a mother holding her baby.  As for me, I got a bunch of clothes (much needed, especially since I've gained weight and hardly any of my old clothes fit me anymore; sad but true).  I also got a couple of gift cards.  We then spent the rest of the day making food, eating, and napping (FOOD COMA!!!).  Overall, Christmas Day itself was wonderful.  We even made it to a meeting at 10:30 AM so I got some recovery in too.
Yesterday, after breakfast, mom and I had boxed up all the clothes that didn't fit me and we took them down to the Las Vegas Rescue Mission and donated all of them.  Then we spent the rest of the day store hopping, shopping, and we even got a pedicure too (yes, we got fabulous, hate all you want, my feet are pretty).  I'm also super excited because we went to DSW and I bought a new pair of Chucks!  They didn't have them in store so they ordered them online in the store for me and they are going to be mailed directly to me.  I finished off the day by hitting the 6 PM meeting in Summerlin and it turned out to be a GOOD meeting.  Overall, Christmas this year was great and I have so much to be grateful for and so many amazing people in my life supporting me.  I couldn't and wouldn't be here where I am without this Program, my mom, my Sponsor, or my God.  Thank you Universe.  Can I get an amen?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve!  I can't believe how fast Christmas rolled up on us this year.  I feel bad for everyone who still is out there shopping because I'm sure it's fucking bat-shit crazy out in stores right now.  Personally, I'm super excited for tonight.  Mom's picking me up on her way home from work and I'm spending the night at her house.
Also, last night I went to the Ethel M. Chocolate Factory with S_____ and J_______ and got to see all the lights and set up which were really cool and I took a shit-ton of photos.
Additionally, I have to say:  even before seeing what presents Santa has gotten me this year, Christmas has been absolutely wonderful.  I've sent out Christmas cards, I got presents for my mom, and I've been reminded of the tons of things I have to be grateful for and am thankful for all the amazing people I have in my life.  While this year, overall, has been crazy and turbulent, the holiday season has found me well, blessed, fortunate, prosperous, and very happy.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


I can't believe I'm up this early.  Usually I'm at this hour because I'm still awake from the night before.  I woke up at 6am, looked at the time and was just completely awake and alert and decided I might as well roll with it and get up.  I was able to talk to mom before she went into work too so that was a treat.
Yesterday, I finally finished the last book in The Dark Tower series (may it do ya fine, say thank ya) and I'm a little disappointed that it's over.  I don't really have any upcoming books that I was looking forward to as much as I was for this last book.
I attended an online meeting yesterday too on and it was pretty good.  I'm probably going to do it again at 10am.  I'm already planning on going to a meeting at 5:30 with S_____, so 2 meetings in 1 day definitely can't hurt.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Weekend Review

Yesterday was so much fun.  I ended up spending almost 8 hours out and about with mom shopping, going out to eat (we went to Cheesecake Factory for the first time in what felt like years) and I just got to enjoy her company and we had the best day.  I also went to Michael's and got what I needed for my art project (I needed some sort of canvas to work with) and I also got a portfolio folder to keep all my work in and got some different blade pattern scissors.  We went to the library too and I got a shit-ton of new books to read now that I'm almost finished with the Dark Tower series (O Discordia!  Say thank ya).  I finished off the day playing God of War then spending 2 hours getting the art project started and it's turning out exactly like I envisioned it in my head, only better.  Overall, I give this weekend an A.  :-)

Sunday, December 21, 2014


It's so weird being up this early and not having it be because I'm still up from the night before.  I'm rested, I got plenty of sleep, and I'm not a cracked out mess.  I've come a long way in just 2 short weeks.  This morning I had a treat too because the first person to text me was J_____ and we did a FaceTime Chat and smoked a cigarette together.  I miss her and I think we need to see each other soon.
As for today, I'm excited to get the day rolling.  Mom's picking me up at 9 and then we're hitting Starbucks, Ross, Wal-Mart, and Michael's so I can get my next art project underway.  I think we're going to the library too at some point today which means MORE BOOKS!!!!!!!  SCORE!  #bookswin

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Dec. 20 - Expectations of Others

It is our job to identify our needs, and then determine a balanced way of getting those needs met.  We ultimately expect our Higher Power and the Universe -- not one particular person -- to be our source.
It is unreasonable to expect anyone to be able or willing to meet our every request.  We are responsible for asking what we want and need.  it's the other person's responsibility to freely choose whether or not to respond to our request.  If we try to coerce or force another to be there for us, that's controlling.
There's a difference between asking and demanding.  We want love that is freely given.
It is unreasonable and unhealthy to expect one person to be the source for meeting all our needs.  Ultimately, we will become angry and resentful, maybe even punishing, toward that person for not supporting us as we expected.
It is reasonable to have certain and well-defined expectations of our spouse, children, and friends.
If a person cannot or will not be there for us, then we need to take responsibility for ourselves in that relationship.  We may need to set a boundary, alter our expectations, or change the limits of the relationship to accommodate that person's unavailability.  We do this for ourselves.
It is reasonable to sprinkle our wants and needs around and to be realistic about how much we ask or expect of any particular person.  We can trust ourselves to know what's reasonable.
The issue of expectations goes back to knowing that we are responsible for identifying our needs, believing they deserve to get met, and discover an appropriate, satisfactory way to do that in our life.

Today, I will strive for reasonable expectations about getting my needs met in relationships.

90 in 90

So working on my 90 in 90 (90 meetings in 90 days)has proved to be fun.  Challenging at times (when looking for a ride) but overall this week was a success.  I've made it to a meeting every day except Tuesday and that includes today (going to a noon meeting with the Sponsor and his lady).  It's good too because I feel connected again and I'm not isolating like I was when this whole mess started.

I'm also starting to get back into my hobbies and things that I enjoy doing now that I'm not spending hours sitting on my couch cracked the fuck out doing absolutely nothing productive.  Like yesterday:  I finally sat down and turned on my PS3 and spent some time playing God of War:  Ascension.  And it was only for about an hour, but it was fucking awesome.  I haven't played for over a month because when I'm twacked out I don't have the concentration or patience for that shit!  But yesterday, even though it was for that short amount of time, I had a fucking blast.  Am planning on logging in some more time with Kratos today.  I also go an idea for my next art project.  I'm not gonna spoil the surprise and go into details just yet but all I'm gonna say is I need to take a trip to Michael's some time over the weekend to get what I need.  Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Ho Ho Ho Bitches

It's Friday.  Had a pretty good week.  I made it to a meeting every day this week except for Tuesday.  This was my first week feeling normal again too.  Monday was my first day feeling human again.  I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or because the dope is getting stronger (probably because I'm getting older) but this last go-around left me fucking FRIED.  My synapses, nerves, entire Central Nervous System was shot to shit.

I've also noticed how "in the spirit" I am this year for Christmas.  Between having money to buy my mom presents, and sending out all the Christmas cards I sent out, for me, it really feels like Christmas this year for the first time in at least 3 years.  In 2011 I was just coming out of rehab; 2012 I wasw back out smoking meth and in that nightmare relationship with Andrew; 2013 I was in that stupid God-forsaken Sober Living House, so this is the first year in 3 years that I actually am "in the spirit" of the holidays.  It's pretty awesome.

As for today, I'm probably going to clean my bathroom (it needs it), play some God of War:  Ascension (I haven't played in over a month, maybe 2), and possible re-shave my head (if I can build up the motivation to actually do it).  Then, later tonight, I'm going to a meeting at 6.  Hope everyone has a good day.  =)

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Cheer

It actually feels like Christmas this year.  I can't explain it.  Maybe because I've actually had money to do Christmas shopping (which, btw, is almost done.  I just have to get over to Best Buy at some point to get a certain DVD for a certain mom).  I also sent out a shit-ton of Christmas cards yesterday to a list, my list, of people important to me and nearest and dearest to my heart this year.  Writing them all out and dropping them in the mail definitely contributed to my feelings of "Christmas cheer."  SHIT!!!  As I'm writing this I remembered one more person I forgot.  Luckily I still have cards left.  :-)

On a sad note, today is December 18.  Would've been Grandma's birthday.  I miss her tons and am kinda sad this morning.  Her resting place is out in California and my aunt is going to visit her today and I told her to say hi for me and that I love her and miss her.  I'm sure she knows, but a reminder wouldn't hurt.

Other than that, I'm good.  Woke up with a brain-splitting headache but the Tylenol is kicking in.  M Sponsor is coming to get me at 10 so we can hit a meeting at 10:30 so, so far today is looking A-okay.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Morning Wah Wah's

Ugh.  I haven't been up this early since...wait, unless you can count still being up from the night before, haha.  I can't bitch too much though considering the reason I'm up this early.  I have my briefing appointment with the Housing Authority this morning.  The briefing appointment is for them to go over what kind of rental assistance I'm going to be receiving.  So...a company is going to help pay the majority of my rent?  Can't complain on that one.  Luxury complaints!  I just need my peppermint mocha and all will be well.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Addiction Vs. Addiction

Day 11.  I've got a psychiatrist appointment today.  Just a routine follow up on all my meds and to get all my prescriptions refilled.
Also, a friend messaged me last night (to maintain anonymity here, let's just call this person 4), and 4 said that he's supportive in my efforts to get and stay clean.  He also, however, said that "it seems like I'm addicted to my recovery more than I'm addicted to the actual drug."  It bothered me for a little bit but after sleeping on it and reading the message again I realized that that may be entirely true, but I'd rather be addicted to my recovery and maintaining a sane and stable life as opposed to being addicted to a substance and slowly killing myself  and letting my life spiral out of control.  I'll take this addiction ANY DAY over the other.

Monday, December 15, 2014


I haven't written in a few days.  To be totally honest:  this detox has been rougher than I thought it'd be.  I haven't been able to keep a coherent thought or keep my focus on anything for longer than a few seconds.  I've been all over the place, including having a couple of panic attacks.  Even sitting down to write this is requiring effort.  But I haven't copped.  I've stuck to my guns and today is day 10.  I've just been eating and sleeping a lot.  I've also made it a point to reach out to people every day so that I'm not alone and stuck with my own thoughts for too long.  Still no word from A_____y either.  I emailed him today asking for my key to the apartment back but no response has come yet.  I really wanted to maintain a friendship with him but if I want to stay clean it doesn't look like that's a possibility.  The people who have remained in contact with me and are supporting me have made themselves known.  And I'm alright with that and with who's remained.  To all those people:  you know who you are.  Thank you for the love and support and your kindness, especially during this time when I need it most.  I feel like the only thing I can focus on right now is not picking up and you guys are loving me when I'm not in any position to do it for myself.
I was able to make it to a meeting today and I had "arts and crafts" time when I got home.  It's been fun reconnecting with things that I enjoy, including writing.  Hopefully I can get back in the saddle and continue writing daily now.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Return of the Anxiety Attacks

Day 6.
Yesterday ended up being really bad as far as withdrawals go.  I had 2 panic attacks and tried writing to focus my thoughts and get my thinking under control.  It didn't work.
My Writings look like the ramblings of a crazy person; the page was filled with illegible scribbles and gibberish and at one point you can't even make out what I was trying to write.  I can only pray that I don't have another attack today.  I have to keep myself occupied and in contact with my friends/support group.
I did start reading The Dark Tower and it's really good so far.  I also need to make sure I keep myself busy today like with my arts and crafts project and talking to my friends so I'm not left alone with my own thoughts.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 10, 2014

Day 5

I'm starting to feel better and get over this whole cough/upper respiratory infection thing, but this detox gig is still kicking my ass.  I just woke up from sleeping over 14 hours and I'm STILL exhausted.  I have no motivation or energy to do anything and even making my bed was a fucking chore and was absolutely grueling.  I need to work up the drive to do the things I know I need to do to take care of myself but all I want to do is lay down.  I started with the first positive action of the day and started making my rounds of texting people and reaching out to everyone on my list.  That's helped a lot and has gotten me talking instead of just isolating.  I know I need to find a ride to a meeting though and also start writing on my Step 1 again.  My efforts of building and fostering a support group, however, have definitely been successful and are paying off just like the program says it would:  when 1 person is busy or doesn't answer, I've got others who do answer and are available and I'm not just relying 100% on Shaun or Brenda, I've got a whole network of people I can turn to and talk to so I don't isolate in my apartment and then bitch about being alone.
Some sad news, though:  it looks like my friendship with A_____y isn't going to last.  We had originally made an agreement to get clean together, but yesterday we talked and he was already trying to score again.  While I don't judge him for not continuing on this journey of trying to get clean with me, I don't see us continuing on any level of friendship if we're not anywhere on the same page anymore.  His focus is still scoring, getting high, and staying/maintaining that high, and mine is getting clean and putting distance between dope and myself and bettering myself as a person and getting some stability and growth in my life.  And Shaun said it best:  "he'll get me high before I manage to get him clean," and I'm not letting somebody else's disease take me out.  If I go down it will be my own disease, my own addiction that has me pick up again, NOT somebody else's.  So I may have to let him go so he can do his own thing and I can do mine.  That makes me sad, but there's no other alternative if I want to stay clean and in recovery.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 9 / Asking For Help

Asking for Help                                 December 9
It's okay to ask for help.
One of the most absurd things we do to ourselves is not asking for the help we need from a friend, a family member, our Higher Power, or the appropriate resource.
We don't have to struggle through feelings and problems alone.  We can ask for help from our Higher Power and for support and encouragement from our friends.
Whether what we need is information, encouragement, a hand, a word, a hug, someone who will listen, or a ride, we can ask.  We can ask people for what we need from them.  We can ask God for what we need from God.
It is self-defeating to not ask for the help we need.  It keeps us stuck.  If we ask long and hard enough, if we direct our request to the right source, we'll get the help we need.
There is a difference between asking someone to rescue us and asking someone in a direct manner for the help we need from him or her.  We can be straightforward and let others choose whether to help us or not.  If the answer is no, we can deal with that.
It is self-defeating to hint, whine, manipulate, or coerce help out of people.  It is annoying to go to people as a victim and expect them to rescue us.  It is healthy to ask for help when help is what we need.
"My problem is shame," said one woman.  "I wanted to ask for help in dealing with it, but I was too ashamed.  Isn't that crazy?"
We who are eager to help others can learn to allow ourselves to receive help.  We can learn to make clean contracts about asking for and receiving the help we want and need.

Today, I will ask for help if I need it -- from people and my Higher Power.  I will not be a victim, helplessly awaiting to be rescued.  I will make my request for help specific, to the point, and I will leave room for the person to choose whether or not to help me.  I will not be a martyr any longer by refusing to get the help I deserve in life -- the help that makes life simpler.  God, help me let go of my need to do everything alone.  Help me use the vast Universe or resources available to me.

URI aka "Bitch, you're sick"

Just woke up a little while ago.  Slept over 14 hours.  On top of going through withdrawals, I'm definitely sick.  Went to Urgent Care last night (thanks Mom) and they took some chest X-rays and said that I have an Upper Respiratory Infection, which I'm interpreting as a fancy way of saying "bitch you have the flu."  That being the case I know I have my sponsor to blame for getting me sick, douche bag.  I know I still need to make it to a meeting tonight too because when I feel this gross and icky is when I'm most vulnerable to sick and disease thoughts, so I'm making my rounds and talking to all my people and am working on getting a ride to a meeting tonight.
I'm also excited to be starting writing in a new journal (yes I have a journal for hand written entries AND an online blog).  With the new journal I've decided to have arts and crafts time and cut out clippings from magazines and paste them onto the covers and back of the journal, then seal it all up with glossy packing tape.  It'll be a good creative outlet for me to focus my attention into and I think will be a constructive way to spend my time.
Regardless of being sick, I gotta get working on finding a ride to this meeting tonight.  Wish me luck.

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Jig is Up!

Well, the jig is up.  Apparently more people read this than I thought because my sponsor caught wind of what I've posted on here and this morning he called me out on it.  I didn't try to cover lies with more lies though and I got honest with him and admitted that what he read on here was true:  that today is day 3, I'm going through withdrawals, and that I've been using for the past 2 months.  I had barely uttered these words of truth when he then said he'd be by shortly to pick me up so we could go to a meeting at noon.  I was still in bed in my underwear, had not had any coffee yet or my morning cigarette, and was still pretty out of it after having slept close to 14 hours (meth detox involves LOTS of sleeping) so I was still pretty cranky and bitchy having to get out of bed and get it together in a hurry.  But Shaun showed up and off to the meeting we went, and overall, I'm glad I went and that he pushed me out of my comfort zone as briskly as he did because if he hadn't I doubt I would've made it to a meeting today at all.
After the meeting I went with him to take his dogs to the groomer's and then he treated me to Starbucks and while we were sitting outside with our coffee (and my cigarette) I filled him in on what's really been going on with me for the last 2 months and what the truth is.  I gotta say this though:  after telling the truth and admitting what I've been up to, I was expecting him to be angry with me, to reject me, to "fire me," or something along those lines.  Instead I was reminded of the principles of this program because instead of rejection and ostracism, I got understanding, empathy, identification, acceptance, and forgiveness.  So the cat's out of the bag; I don't have to worry about which lie to nurture or who is going to find out what anymore...I can just be me.  What a fucking relief!  I feel like my whole life just took one huge collective sigh of relief after holding its breath for the past 2 months.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

When The Time Is Right

When the Time is Right                                          December 7
There are times when we simply do not know what to do, or where to go, next.  Sometimes these periods are brief, sometimes lingering.
We can get through these times.  We can rely on our program and the disciplines of recovery.  We can cope by using our faith, other people, and our resources.
Accept uncertainty.  We do not always have to know what to do or where to go next.  We do not always have clear direction.  Refusing to accept the inaction and limbo makes things worse.
It is okay to temporarily be without direction.  Say "I don't know" and be comfortable with that.  We do not have to try to force wisdom, knowledge, or clarity when there is none.
While waiting for direction, we do not have to put our life on hold.  Let go of anxiety and enjoy life.  Relax.  Do something fun.  Enjoy the love and beauty in your life.  Accomplish small tasks.  They may have nothing to do with solving the problem, or finding direction, but this is what we can do in the interim.
Clarity will come.  The next step will present itself.  Indecision, inactivity, and lack of direction will not last forever.

Today, I will accept my circumstances even if I lack direction and insight.  I will remember to do things that make myself and others feel good during those times.  I will trust that clarity will come of its own accord.

Pushing Through

Day 2.
Definitely going through withdrawals.  I slept from 8:30 last night until 10 this morning.  And now I want to eat EVERYTHING.  Mom is coming over shortly so we can go to breakfast and go do my weekly grocery shopping trip to Wal-Mart.  All leisure reading and other projects have been put on hold for the moment since I don't have the motivation or energy to do anything other than sleep and eat.
I know it's only temporary and I just have to push through and bite the bullet for this part.  I've detoxed before, I can do it again.  What's keeping me out of my head though is writing and my friends.  I'm so happy and fortunate that I started reaching out last week and got in the habit of reaching out to people first thing in the morning because I don't feel alone and I don't feel like I'm doing this alone.  Hopefully after I push through this phase of feeling like shit I can get back into doing things that bring me joy (ie. reading, video games, arts & crafts, etc.)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

"Begin Again"

While everyone may think I have some clean time under my belt, today is actually day 1 all over again.
I got so fucking high yesterday and on to last night that by 1:30 AM I was having heart palpitations.  Finally, at around 2, I grabbed the pipe, took 1 last hit, and said "all done" and went inside, took my meds, and went to bed.  I then, surprisingly, fell asleep rather quickly.  So here I am today, back at square 1 and shaky but at my heart, determined to do this.  I'm already fucking craving my first morning bowl to wake me up but I have to just ride this first part out and get through the detox stage and then concentrate on feeling normal again.
I'm already mentally prepared for what the next few days are going to be like physically, and am grateful that over the past week I've set in motion the reconnection with my support group and my Sponsor.  I'm going to need them for the week ahead of me.  I'm also going to need whatever Higher Power exists out there that I've lost faith and trust in over the past.  I know that, alone, I can't do this.  I'll need my friends, my mom, and whatever God exists out there if I want to stay on course and not fuck this up.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday Review

This week has gone well so far.  I made it a goal every day to force myself to step out of my comfort zone and start reaching out to my friends and to interact with them and talk with them because that is the solution to my loneliness and isolation.  This has been a total success and I've already fostered renewed closeness and a connection with all my people I had listed that I wanted to reconnect with.  My routine now every morning when I wake up is to text all of them one after the other (I call it "making my rounds") and that gets me out of my head and gets me talking to others and listening to them about their lives and their day as opposed to being completely consumed with myself and wallowing in self-pity.  I've also tried to get to a meeting every day.  This hasn't been a total success because of not being able to find rides but I've made more meetings this week alone than I have in the past month, so "progress, not perfection."  I am going to a meeting tonight at 6 though and Brenda is going to meet me there so I get to see my wifey!!!
I've also already touched base with all my people so today is off to a good start (especially after sleeping for a little over 12 hours, I , apparently, was in dire need of some hardcore rest).  My goals today are to read my book (The Dark Tower VI:  Song of Susannah) and work on my Step.
Ready, set, go.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

"Even though I can't solve your problems, I will be there as your sounding board whenever you need me."

The prize we each have been given is our ability to offer full and interested attention to people seeking our counsel.  And seldom does a day pass that we aren't given the opportunity to listen, to nurture, to offer hope where it's been dashed.
We are not separate, one from another.  Interdependence is our blessing; however, we fail to recognize it at our crucial crossroads.  Alone we ponder.  Around us, others, too, are often suffering in silence.  These Steps that guide our lives push us to break the silence.  The secrets we keep, keep us from the health we deserve.
Our emotional well-being is enhanced each time we share ourselves -- our stories or our attentive ears.  We need to be a part of someone else's pain and growth in order to make use of the pain that we have grown beyond.  Pain has its purpose in our lives.  And in the lives of our friends, too.  It's our connection to one another, the bridge that closes the gap.
We dread our pain.  We hate the suffering our friends must withstand.  But each of us gains when we accept these challenges as our invitations for growth and closeness to others.

Secrets keep us sick.  I will listen and share and be well.

Letting Go

"How much to we need to let go of?" a friend asked one day.
"I'm not certain," I replied, "but maybe everything.
Letting go is a spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical process, a sometimes mysterious metaphysical process of releasing to God and the Universe that which we are clinging to tightly.
We let go of our grasp on people, outcomes, ideas, feelings, wants, needs, desires -- everything.  We let go of trying to control our progress in recovery.  Yes, it's important to acknowledge and accept what we want and what we want to happen.  But it's equally important to follow through by letting go.
Letting go is the action part of faith.  It is a behavior that gives God and the Universe permission to send us what we're meant to have.
Letting go means we acknowledge that hanging on so tightly isn't helping to solve the problem, change the person, or get the outcome we desire.  It isn't helping us.  In fact, we learn that hanging on often blocks us from getting what we want and need.
Who are we to say that things aren't happening exactly as they need to happen?
There is magic in letting go.  Sometimes we get what we want soon after we let go.  Sometimes it takes longer.  Sometimes the specific outcome we desire doesn't happen.  Something better does.
Letting go sets us free and connects us to our Source.
Letting go creates the optimum environment for the best possible outcomes and solutions.

Today, I will relax.  I will let go of that which is upsetting me the most.  I will trust that by letting go, I have started the wheels in motion for things to work out in the best possible way.


At first I didn’t get you
Too contradicted to figure out
I didn’t expect to want all the things I could live without
I wouldn’t do it for anyone, you should know that
But since I loved you since 21
You should know that
When the wild comes calling on you, help is on the way
And the high gets horny for you, help is on the way
On the way, help is on the way
When your heart don’t bleed the way it used to
Help is on the way

Help is on the way
Help is on the way
Help is on the way

At first I didn’t see through
All noise that I could care less about
I didn’t expect to want all the things I could live without
I wouldn’t do it for anyone, you should know that
But since I loved you since 21
You should know that
When the wild comes calling on you, help is on the way
When the high gets horny for you, help is on the way
On the way, help is on the way
When your heart don’t bleed the way it used to
Help is on the way

Help is on the way
Help is on the way
Help is on the wa

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

2 Meetings and a Mocha

Day 3 of Operation Overhaul.  Don't have much time because Shaun is picking me up for a meeting shortly but wanted to make an entry before I left the apartment.
I woke up this morning feeling lonely from the start and don't know why.  I immediately did my morning readings, made my gratitude list, and then picked up my phone and started making my rounds.  It's such a good suggestion from NA to expand and nurture a support group because when one person isn't available, chances are another friend will be and that's exactly what is going on this morning.  Angela wasn't able to talk but 3 other people are and I've also already found a ride to a meeting with Shaun.  So A-I get to see my sponsor and B-I get to go to a meeting.  Day is ogg to a good start so far.
More later.


Just got home.  Shaun and I ended up going to a 10:30 meeting then he bought me Starbucks.  I was only expecting to go to 1 meeting then have Shaun drop me off at home and call it a day, but 2 meetings back to back was an awesome treat.  I haven't shared in a very long time either so today I shared at both meetings so I feel like I was an active participant in my recovery, not just sitting there and listening to everyone else share thinking I'll recover through osmosis.
Now that I'm home I'm going to continue this trend of self-care that's been going on today and spend some more time writing on Step 1 ..... or reading my book, whichever sounds more fun :-)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Putting Our Life on Hold

We cannot afford to put our needs on hold, waiting for another person to fulfill us, make our life better, or come around and be who and what we want that person to be.  That will create resentment, hostility, an unhealthy dependency, and a mess to deal with later on.
If we have decided we want a particular relationship or want to wait about making a decision in a particular relationship, then we must go on with our own life in the interim.
That can be hard.  It can feel natural to put our life on hold.  That is when we get caught up in the codependent beliefs:  That person...I need that particular person to do a particular thing in order to be happy...
That's a circumstance that can hook our low self-esteem, our self-doubt, and our tendency to neglect ourselves.
We can get into this situation in a number of ways.  We can do this waiting for a letter, waiting for a job, waiting for a person, waiting for an event.
We do not have to put our life on hold.  There will be repercussions from doing this.  Go on with your life.  Take life a day at a time.
What is something I could be doing now to take care of myself, make myself feel better, get my needs met in an appropriate, healthy way?
How can I own my power to take care of myself, despite what the other person is or isn't doing?
What will happen if I break the system and begin taking care of myself?
Sometimes, we get the answer we want immediately.  Sometimes, we wait for a while.  Sometimes, things don't work out exactly the way we hoped.  But they always work out for good, and often better than we expected.
And in the meantime, we have manifested love for ourselves by living our own life and taking the control away from others.  That always comes back to us tenfold, because when we actually manifest love for ourselves, we give our Higher Power, other people, and the Universe permission to send us the love we want and need.
Stopping living our life to make a thing happen doesn't work.  All it does is make us miserable, because we have stopped living our life.

Today, I will force myself, if necessary, to live my own life.  I will act in my own best interest, in a way that reflects self-love.  If i have given power or control of my life to someone other than myself, and someone besides a Power greater than myself, I will take it back.  I will begin acting in my own best interests, even if it feels awkward to do that.

Life Overhaul, Day 2

So yesterday as day 1 of my new "project" of changing my life, outlook, friends, and attitude was a success I think.  I reached out to multiple friends to talk and got wonderful reception and responses back.  I tried to make it to a meeting but Anthony ended up coming over and we hung out instead, listening to new music and we even had arts and crafts time (laugh all you want) where he cut up a bunch of stuff out of magazines and glued the clippings to the cover of my journal.  Yesterday I also officially began writing on Step 1 again.  My original, intent was to start small and just write on the first 5 questions in the Step Working Guide but I ended up doing 8 because once I started writing it was like the floodgates were opened and stuff just came pouring out of me.  I JUST started and I already feel like I purged a bunch of baggage and weight that I;ve been carrying around on my back.
So today we're definitely going to continue this trend because it feels great.
So far, I've texted all my people (Angela, Shaun, Kimmy, Brenda) and I even already found a ride to a meeting tonight at 5:30 with Angela.
This new shift I've made in self-care and in reassessing my priorities and focus is feeling really good and I know I'm doing the right thing through all these efforts.  I was tired of sitting in my apartment alone with nothing to do (but not taking initiative to find something to do either), not talking to anyone, chain-smoking, and sleeping all the time because it was better than the alternative of being awake and lonely and bored.

So I'mma keep on keepin' on :-]

Monday, December 1, 2014

Time to Get Busy

I had my follow up appointment this morning with my doctor to go over the ultrasound results of the abscess on my arm.  Everything turned out great and he said it's no longer and abscess, so the antibiotics must have worked!
Today is also my first day where I'm consciously going to begin making an effort to do things for my and  my life differently.  This includes self-care, taking care of my belongings and my apartment, reaching out to different friends to get closer to them so that I can expand my support core group, finding creative or constructive outlets for myself not just escaping into a video game.
Also, another major move I plan on beginning today is I'm going to start working the Steps again.  Enough time has passed and I've grown complacent and have seriously been lacking in putting in any footwork to my recovery.

Time to Get Busy