Saturday, March 12, 2016

Riding Solo

So, I can't go into all the details of the events that took place and the conversations / verbal scuffle that took place leading up to this, so I'll just fast forward to the main point:  K_____ packed up her shit and moved out on Thursday.  I'm alone in this apartment, again.  Don't get me wrong, I like having my alone time and having solitude and quiet and just me doin' mah thang.  But sometimes, especially being by myself in 2 bedroom apartment, I get really lonely and get a yearning for contact or interpersonal communication of any kind, and that's typically what results in me online in front of A4A or BBRT for hours, not so much looking for sex, but just some kind of company I guess.
T___, my sponsor, said this was a clear example of God doing for me what I couldn't do for myself, and that through His power, he removed her from my life and current living situation because she wasn't meant to be there and she had bad news written all over her.  And honestly, in retrospect, considering all the issues she had, where she was at mentally/psychologically, her lack of adherence to basic courtesies such as accountability or gratitude or respect, and her ties to her FUCKED up dysfunctional family which she showed no signs of wanting to break free from and build her own life, I can honestly say that her leaving was probably the best outcome of that whole situation that I could've hoped for.  T___ also said that, for now, I need to learn how to  be okay with just Michael, with being alone and having my alone time and being comfortable enough with myself and knowing  I also have my Higher Power at any moment's notice, that I don't need a roommate to validate my yearning for company or need to have someone to talk to.
The roughest part is just that her leaving triggered all my rejection and abandonment issues all over again, so that's what I'm struggling with the most now.  Like "yet another person rejected you AGAIN."  And then that ties into my "not good enough" thoughts and that brings us to where I am today:  restless, apathetic, obsessive, and depressed.  I'm going to a meeting tonight at 6 at Mountain View Hospital  6 o clock CANNOT come fast enough.

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