Saturday, February 6, 2016

Fucked up Day right from the start

So here I was going about my morning thinking I was on time for everything, that everything was going smoothly and that I had plenty of time to get my day started.  I leave the apartment on time (or so I thought), get on the bus, am heading to my destination (3M Club for a meeting) when I call my sponsor and have a little chat with him.  We go over a few things then I tell him I'm going to the men's stag meeting at 3M Club.  To which he replies "you know you're late right?"  And I was like "huh?  It starts in 5 minutes."  To which he then pointed out that I was absolutely mistaken, that Saturday's meeting starts at 10 AM, not 10:30 like I thought and that I was already a half hour late.
Basically I began my day with being late, and stuff has gotten more fucked up since.
Most recently and significantly, D_____ asked me to do something for him just now and I attempted to, but failed at it miserably and now I'm pretty sure he's mad at me and is just containing his rage and suppressing the urge he has to punch me in the face.  So today's not going so well at all.  =\

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