So yesterday K_____ ended up having a really long, deep, heavy stuff talk about a variety of issues and much was revealed to me about where she's at right now iI'n her life as far as the head space she's in, what she's currently struggling with, and what her focus and sights seem to be set on as she finishes with this one particular phase in her life (the consequences of her recent prison sentence) and the transition into full freedom. While she and I are on the same page on a lot of issues and hold many of the same beliefs and outlooks in regards to codes of moral conduct, addiction, acceptable and unacceptable behavior, and things we want to accomplish and goals we want to set for ourselves, what became very evident yesterday was that the means to which we are willing to go about achieving certain things or the manner in which we behave and our moral standards vary immensely. So much so that it has me re-thinking if this is the right move to make by having her move in with me. I may be overthinking it but her viewpoints and things she made known about herself that were part of her character yesterday caused me to switch into high alert mode for if this is a healthy decision that I'm making or not as it pertains to what MY goals are right now in life and in the things that I'm focused on and committed to in how I conduct myself. I think I need to have some critical thinking time to reassess if this is a smart move or not, if the money we'd be able to save by moving in together is worth the risk of being exposed to behavior or activities and things that might prove detrimental to my recovery or my progress in life. This is by no means an attempt at character assassination of my friend or an attempt to shine a negative light on her as she's still a great friend and I know has my back and I can definitely count on her when in a bind. However, this is not to say that there are some things we may just hold completely different beliefs and standards about that simply might not mesh with each other in a cohabitation setting where I'm in a position where I have to rely on her to continually make the right decision and behave responsibly such as she would have to from me. And while I know I can commit to doing the next right thing and sticking to being responsible and accountable for my behavior and making mature decisions, I can't assume that somebody else will be in the exact same head space as me and that they're able, ready, or willing to just hop up to where I'm at as well because I demand them to. She's at where she's at and I have to practice acceptance and tolerance of that and withhold any judgment because her life has its own course. The question is: do I want to integrate our lives together so that I may be potentially at risk of consequences of her behavior and open myself up to risk by trusting someone to always strive to do the next right thing like I do?
I don't know what to do. I guess the best answer for right now is to do nothing and just wait and see how this pans out. Sometimes inaction is the best action.
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