Monday, December 15, 2014


I haven't written in a few days.  To be totally honest:  this detox has been rougher than I thought it'd be.  I haven't been able to keep a coherent thought or keep my focus on anything for longer than a few seconds.  I've been all over the place, including having a couple of panic attacks.  Even sitting down to write this is requiring effort.  But I haven't copped.  I've stuck to my guns and today is day 10.  I've just been eating and sleeping a lot.  I've also made it a point to reach out to people every day so that I'm not alone and stuck with my own thoughts for too long.  Still no word from A_____y either.  I emailed him today asking for my key to the apartment back but no response has come yet.  I really wanted to maintain a friendship with him but if I want to stay clean it doesn't look like that's a possibility.  The people who have remained in contact with me and are supporting me have made themselves known.  And I'm alright with that and with who's remained.  To all those people:  you know who you are.  Thank you for the love and support and your kindness, especially during this time when I need it most.  I feel like the only thing I can focus on right now is not picking up and you guys are loving me when I'm not in any position to do it for myself.
I was able to make it to a meeting today and I had "arts and crafts" time when I got home.  It's been fun reconnecting with things that I enjoy, including writing.  Hopefully I can get back in the saddle and continue writing daily now.

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