Tuesday, March 8, 2016


The title I gave to this entry made me chuckle because NO it is not in any way related to the movie from Treasure Island Media (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, Google it and thank me later).
So quick update since my last post.  Even though it's only been a few days, I've kept constantly busy with setting things in motion and finding out more and more knowledge of what getting a legitimate small business off the ground takes and how I'm going to successfully market myself and generate clients and revenue.  Plus, there's all the behind the scenes stuff I didn't know about, such as company name licensing, whether or not to choose an LLC or DBA, etc.  Another question to tackle is who my target audience is going to be of who I want to advertise to. and I'm thinking that the answer to that is going to be mainly those who will have administrative or executive level assignments to offer me as that is what I'm most skilled at and can really display my full potential at and have them think of me in the future when they need assistance again on the job.
Another question to consider is method of marketing:  do I want to send out a bunch of brochures or flyers via regular mail to a target audience of people whose addresses I've acquired?  Or do I want to, potentially, reach an even larger scale of recipients and send out an email blast to just about everyone I have an email listed in my contacts to.  In a nutshell, there's tons of decisions to make and things to decide on to keep moving forward in laying the foundation to building this structure up to the point where money starts coming in.  But, I am the one, lone, solo employee so everything falls back on me to make the judgment calls.  And one thing I've also learned so far with some of the tools at my disposal that K_____ shared with me when we were talking about starting that social media marketing company, is this:  make decisions swiftly, with confidence,m and quickly.  When faced with a decision making time scenario, make your decision and stick with it and move forward.  So that's what I've been trying to do.  So keep your fingers crossed guys, the success (or failure) of this venture literally rests entirely on my shoulders.
In other news, I'm not sure if I commented on this in any previous entries, but I recently switched sponsors and got a new one.  After having stuck with C___ for a long time, I realized that he just didn't have what I needed in a sponsor any more and that the opportunity was present (and being utilized for me to lie, manipulate, scheme, and steam roll right over him and tell him and have him believe exactly what I thought he wanted to hear.  And that is a dangerous place for me to be, because if I sense that in a person, there is NO question:  I can and will exploit that and end up lying, manipulating, or taking advantage of you in some form or fashion (yes, deep down I am that much of a self-centered scum bag).  So after a month of trying to rationalize why I should stick with him, then another month of just procrastinating because I didn't know who else to ask to replace him, I finally had the "break up" talk with him and, despite being super nervous, it went really good and we parted with love and amicably.
Now the NEW sponsor...Mr. T___ C.  This mother fucker don't play.  I knew him from when I lived at the LVRC recovery house when he was just the house manager, and I remembered that he was the one that was always pushing me to do better, accomplish or achieve more, to push myself outside of comfort zone and reach for that goal that we all in program are constantly trying to attain:  CHANGE AND GROWTH.  T___ was always that guy pushing me and, most importantly, always the one that said that one thing it took to piss me the fuck off.  Not because he was a dick, but because whatever he had just commented on or said to me....he was right about, and he wasn't afraid to pull my covers and tell me what I needed to hear, not what I wanted to hear.  So at that point, my desired new sponsor choice was pretty clear and I was lucky enough to have him accept the challenge of tackling my brand of crazy.
Anyway, that's about it regarding significant happenings in my life.  Gonna have to start remembering to update 2 blogs instead of just this one soon since my company is going to be set up on Blogger.com as well.

Stay tuned bitches.

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