Friday, March 4, 2016


So in my attempt to come up with solutions to keep myself busy, I've slowly but surely become more and more open-minded toward any potential panacea for that listless feeling I was used to having all the time when I was just sitting around my apartment with nothing to do, no where I needed to be, nobody to talk to, and nothing to focus on.  Now, through the principles I've done my best to practice daily from the Program, as well as trying to remain as open-minded as possible to any and all solutions that may present themselves instead of shooting something down before I even give it a try, I've come up with so many damn things to do that I've, inadvertently...well...given myself too much homework.
Between my daily routine maintenance stuff (like self-care actions and behaviors, daily meeting attendance, staying closely connected with my new sponsor T___ , I've typically got full days as it is with stuff to keep be occupied (especially when you factor in the god forsaken travel times it takes when you're taking the bus.  Goddamn that stupid thing and it always being late)

But within the last couple of weeks, mainly this past week, I've gotten really motivated and developed more initiative to find and start more projects and more things for me to be working on that not only are serving the function of A - keeping me busy, but everything that I've started within the last couple of weeks are all concerning areas of my life that have to do with self-improvement, making amends for damage I've done in the past (both to myself and others), taking responsibility for unacceptable behavior I used to participate in the past, and, over all, just me becoming a better version of myself and tending to all areas of my life so that I can be the best me I can be.
All that is fine and good and all.

But I think I got a little over-zealous because I have so much shit to do now that I've started that I feel like I'm back-logged on homework in college again and I have to hurry up to catch up.  Fortunately, that is not the case, and the rule from NA applies to this current area of my life also:  "progress,.not perfection."

So today, task by task, item by item, I'm going to trudge through all the work I've scrounged up for myself and work through it toward my goal of bettering myself.  I guess today is an adulting day lol.


Happy Friday everyone.

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