Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Why Would You Ignore Yourself?

It;s amazing what over 12 hours of sleep can do for you.  This is only further evidence that convinces me that your brain is still working while you're asleep, processing current circumstances and problems you're currently facing, working towards a solution and/or acceptance of whatever factors you currently find yourself in.  Yesterday I was stressed to the max, feeling stretched so thin mentally that I felt I would snap at any minute.  I went to a meeting yesterday, came home, and just relaxed and took care of myself and ate a good meal, then passed the hell out and woke up at around 8:30, only to take a shower, take all my nighttime meds, and go right back to sleep until just about an hour ago.  And I feel like I have a completely new outlook on everything.  I feel like I've gained acceptance for certain circumstances and for "what is" right now and that I'm okay with the way things are for the moment.
My sponsor had some amazing words of wisdom to share yesterday too.  On Saturday, he gave me a writing assignment which I've been putting off and ignoring because the questions involve some answers that are going to be very uncomfortable and painful to look at, so I've done the whole "bury my head in the sand" trick and have been acting like it's not there so I don't have to face it, thinking that maybe if I ignore them, they'll go away.  When I told C____ this he said "Do you like it when other people blatantly ignore you?"  To which I answered "no..."  To which he responded with:

"Then why would you ignore yourself?"


So today, I'm committed to working on this writing assignment he gave me and unveiling some uncomfortable truths about what's going on in my head lately.  Also, I think I'm committing to three meetings today, because I haven't been to many lately, and I'm definitely feeling it as my crazy level has been slowly mounting and climbing and it's taking more and more mental exertion to contain the pressure between my ears.

Stay tuned.

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