Monday, January 5, 2015

Sleep & Bad Food FAIL

Ugh, this whole waking up super early thing is not the business.  I didn't sleep well at all on top of that.  Something I ate last night must've been past it's expiration date because I woke up at 2 AM sick to my stomach.  I managed to go back to sleep until 5ish but then I woke up and said "fuck it, might as well start my day."  If I need to, I'll take a nap later, but I didn't want to take anything to just go back to sleep for a few hours.
Otherwise, I'm pretty proud of myself regarding my "90 in 90" (90 meetings in 90 days).  I've been to a meeting every day and on days I haven't been able to make it to a live meeting, I use to attend an online webcam meeting.  I've never committed to 90 in 90 so adamantly before.  It's absolutely making a difference in how I feel on a day to day basis and has helped me forge and nurture connections with people in ways I've never had before.
Also, I started writing on my 1st Step again.  Writing that shit out is painful but therapeutic and I can't put my pencil down now that I've started.
Additionally, I'm sore as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.  I've been to the gym the last 3 days in a row and am going again this morning with my sponsor.  I'm so fucking out of shape and being as out of breath that I get and how hard cardio is kind of discourages me.  But the payoff of going and how I feel afterwards is better than the dysfunctional payoff of planting my ass on the couch and not going and calling myself a big fat fuck.

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