Saturday, December 20, 2014

90 in 90

So working on my 90 in 90 (90 meetings in 90 days)has proved to be fun.  Challenging at times (when looking for a ride) but overall this week was a success.  I've made it to a meeting every day except Tuesday and that includes today (going to a noon meeting with the Sponsor and his lady).  It's good too because I feel connected again and I'm not isolating like I was when this whole mess started.

I'm also starting to get back into my hobbies and things that I enjoy doing now that I'm not spending hours sitting on my couch cracked the fuck out doing absolutely nothing productive.  Like yesterday:  I finally sat down and turned on my PS3 and spent some time playing God of War:  Ascension.  And it was only for about an hour, but it was fucking awesome.  I haven't played for over a month because when I'm twacked out I don't have the concentration or patience for that shit!  But yesterday, even though it was for that short amount of time, I had a fucking blast.  Am planning on logging in some more time with Kratos today.  I also go an idea for my next art project.  I'm not gonna spoil the surprise and go into details just yet but all I'm gonna say is I need to take a trip to Michael's some time over the weekend to get what I need.  Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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