Lately, I've started to realize just how deep rooted and chronic some of my character defects really are. Self-centeredness, self-righteousness, jealousy, greed, pride, ego, and rage/anger (just to name a few).
But the one, lately, that really has been catching my attention/concern has been my propensity to do the good ol' fashioned "cut and run." What's the "cut and run you ask?" Instead of seeing something through to conflict resolution or sticking something out until peace or a compromise can be reached, I'm noticing that my deep rooted habit is just to say "Fuck it!" not even try, give up, and run away, crying futility and victimization the whole way home.
Someone in particular has been calling my attention to it lately every time I do it (or start to) as well as the multitude of times I've done it in the past.
One of my favorite things he said was just said recently:
"Everything isn't always going to be perfect. People, friends, couples...they all fight. Some more than others. But they don't give up and just walk away. They eventually work it out, move forward, and get over it, and they're okay."
That was definitely an example of my Higher Power speaking through someone in front of me because the moment I heard those words I knew I was hearing absolute truth.
I need to pay attention to my habit of doing the cut and run whenever a situation gets uncomfortable or actually requires effort. Instead of acting out in FEAR (Fuck Everything And Run) why not actually apply myself and fight for something important to me? Imagine that.
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