So I recently had a dream that's been bothering me and has been stuck in my head. I'm not one of those metaphysical nut-jobs who's constantly trying to translate their dreams and won't STFU about it to everyone around them, but this one left me with such a "wtf" feeling that I figured talking it out might help.
I have this Nightmare Before Christmas tin lunch box that I've had since high school. I keep everything "important" in there from significant events or memories I have in there: concert tickets, rave ticket stubs, photos, etc. General rule of thumb: I am the only one who's allowed to touch this box, especially the contents (going through them, adding, removing, etc).
Anyway, the dream was short : I opened the box, and right on top were these 2, what looked like bookmarks. the background was a blue sky with clouds and on each said "be home soon." And, for some reason, I knew that they were from I'm gonna leave his name out of this so as not to violate any anonymity and to avoid any further drama. But yeah...
I don't get it. And it's bothering the fuck out of me.
i get it now. and this is profound, wonderful, and painful beyond words all at the same time.