Monday, March 21, 2016 you hear that?

Oh my you hear that?  Is that.....quiet?  Calm?  Peace?  Lack of chaos?  Order?  No drama?  I don't want to jinx it, but I think it just might be.  God, again, did for my what I couldn't do myself over the past couple of days and removed a few more people out of my life and me out of their social circle, which only serves as a benefit to me because these people were trouble or trouble waiting to happen and the kind that would drag you down with them when they flushed down the toilet.  So that's 3 down and removed total.  I wonder who's next?  All I know is the one's that are left standing after others being picked off are the ones that I need to direct my attention to and that are my real friends and they are the ones I need to be investing in.  Not those other losers.
Meanwhile, I got a job!  Sort of.  For the last several months I've had many different people from many different places all tell me the exact same thing "get involved in volunteer work.  You'd love it.  It'll give you something to do.  You'll feel better about yourself.  Blah blah blah."  And then there's me with my huge ego replying with "oh no if I'm investing my time and my energy and my work skills into some place I feel I need to be compensated for it."  #bitch
So, I've been emailing back and forth with a friend that my mom and I know who happens to own two very successful businesses,  We got on the topic of me volunteering and she said she'd love to have me.  So I started last week.  It's only 3 days a week, Wed, Thurs. and Friday from 10am to 4pm (or whenever I feel like leaving).  And she also said after a while of this and seeing what kind of contribution I'm giving to the operations of her business, if she realizes that I'm a direct asset, she'll just hire me outright and start paying me.  So that's cool.
Finally, I had court today down at the Regional Justice Center for a traffic citation I received when getting pulled over while driving this asshole's car (that I only ended up dating for like
 or 4 weeks, thank God).  The official charge was "driving on a revoked license."  I show up to the Justice Center expecting a long wait until my name comes up on the docket, but instead am directed to a huge lobby that was very DMV-esque with the numbered booths and the "take a number" system.  My number gets called, and then the oh-so-NOT pleasant employee behind the desk informs me that due to the nature of the charge, driving on a revoked license, it requires a mandatory court hearing.  So I now have an official court date to appear before a judge this Thursday at 2pm and I'm nervous AF.  Like I have this image in my head of them taking me into custody right there on the spot and me going to jail NOT HIGH.  The last 2 times I went to jail I was high, so I didn't really care where I was I just wanted to lay down and go to sleep even if it was on the dirty floor of the holding/processing tank at City Jail.  If I go to jail Thursday in recovery and in a nice ouitfit and tie....this bitch will not be happy.

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