Sunday, January 31, 2016

End of the Month

This month has been a fucking roller coaster.  But as today is the last day of the month of the new year, I'm looking back in a little retrospective review of the past 31 days and am, surprisingly, not too disappointed with the choices I've made this month and the over all state / climate of my life right now as a result of how I've behaved and the choices I've made this month.
To update on a few key points of interest, all went well with the transfer from the one housing assistance program to the new one and my assistance I'll be receiving has been extended for another year.  Not only that, but the price I'll be in charge of picking up after the rental assistance program picks up the tab is DRASTICALLY cheaper than what I was paying before.  So the potential I now have to both save more money into savings funds and to have at my disposal for recreational activities (mainly shopping, I haven't had a good Target shopping trip in forever) is now exponentially larger.
Secondly, the number of members in my household has increased from the lone tenant (me) to me, my best friend/road dawg K_____ and my new "boo thang" D_____.  It was originally just going to be me and K_____.  But this week I met D_____ and we instantly clicked and not only that, but he was in need of a place to stay that wasn't as toxic and unhealthy and uncomfortable as the place he was, at the time, living in.  So yeah I know things moved along pretty quickly with that whole situation.  But I'm overlooking that because for the first time in a very long time, I feel actually pretty damn happy with the current state of things.  My apartment doesn't feel like some lonely isolation cell anymore.  It now feels like a home and I am so excited to have my present company as my company because the energy and happiness and good vibes that each of them generates and brings to my life makes me so thankful and happy and grateful for each of them having shown up in my life and being a par of it.
Finally, after a month of trying my absolute hardest to stick to my budget and to not behave irresponsibly financially and to make mature decisions in how I chose to spend/save my money, I am happy to report that for the first time in over a year, at the end of this month I officially have a surplus and have money left over instead of being in the deficit and being in the red. I actually have money left over here at the end of the month and am carrying that over into my finances for next month.  The surplus isn't much, but it's enough to make me happy and proud of myself that I did something right for a chance.

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