Thursday, December 10, 2015

Situations Update

Well, the "Terrence Affair" is over.  Which also means that my front runner for position of my new roommate is now wide open and available...With no runners at the top that I have as back ups.  I don't know what I'm going to do.  Moving forward and to stay in the solution, I guess I should:  A - keep hunting for potential roommates and also draft up an ad for a Craigslist advertisement advertising my search and getting some traffic and potential candidates stirred up.  I also have started another project to move out of this fucked up situation with my mom and my finances.  It's another "action plan" of what to do to get off Chex Systems registry, get my debt paid off, and therefore eligible to open my own banking account with a major financial institution again without having anybody's name attached to it; it will solely be MINE.  And btw, mom has officially had it with me and wants to withdraw completely from any involvement in my finances, which, I'll admit, has both drawbacks and positive attributes.  But I know it's the best thing to do because she needs to fucking let go and let me feel what it's really like to be managing (or mis-managing) my money and what it feels like if I'm fucking up or if I'm learning new positive behaviors.  Only way for me to learn, I've realized, is for me to be in the thick of it and to bang my head against the wall if that's what it takes.  I was stressed and trying to stuff down my feelings of panic and anxiety and fear over all of this that's going on.
But then I did my morning readings (the Just for Today and Language of Letting Go) and was reminded about a little concept called "Faith."  God has never put in front of a situation or a problem that I wasn't able to somehow survive, overcome, or solve.  A solution always revealed itself, on God's time, not mine.  And I know it looks bleak right now...But the Universe has always provided me with what I need to get through to the other side of obstacles I've had in the past.  I have to have faith that this time will be no different.

Faith, trust, and hope.

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