Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Convention with a side of mixed messages

So the big NA convention was this weekend.  My mom was kind enough to pay the registration fee for me, so I got to go for free (even though nobody checked me in with my confirmation email when I got there, so I could've gone for free anyway lol).  I fully intended to attend on Friday night, especially since I had signed up for a commitment to help chair one of the marathon meetings for my friend A_____.  Unfortunately, God had other plans in store for me that evening which I don't want to go into detail on here, but long story short, I ended up having to race back home and deal with some drama.  By the time everything was said and done and taken care of, I didn't want to take the bus all the way back down to the Orleans so I just stayed home.
Saturday, however, I planned appropriately because I wanted to be sure I was there for the Roll Call and Clean Time Countdown and the main speaker.  So, instead of going to the Orleans earlier on in the day and spending hours there and getting sick of it and leaving before the main speaker, I decided to wait until evening to head down there and got there right at around 6:30, which was perfect because all the events that I wanted to be there for started at 7.  The roll call and clean time countdown were both equally awesome, mainly the countdown because the energy of love and support and fellowship was practically palpable in the room as they neared closer and closer down to 1 day clean.  As those who had less then 1 month clean all stood up and the entire crowd erupted into applause, it took me a moment to soak in what I was seeing:  the passion and love and support of a mass group of people, all with the same desire - to help others who suffer from addiction and show them a solution to what's wrong with us, and that we're not alone.  So it was a pretty emotional moment and at that moment I was also very proud to be a member of this program.  I may not work it perfectly, but I fucking work what I can dammit and I'm going to keep coming back even if it takes a millions times, but I will not give up.
Other than that, the next morsel of information is about He Who Shall Not Be Named that I made an emergency escape from in Palm Springs.  I got a text last night saying the following:  "I miss you."   .........WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That infuriates me.  How one day he went from saying some of the most offensive and bigotry-rooted comments regarding myself and all gay people in general and then having to jump out of the car and get away from him ASAP, then to the next day sending me texts saying he misses me.  I don't get it.  The whole thing really confuses me and I can't even wrap my head around it.  I've also been trying to determine where he is exactly (if he's back in Vegas or still out on the road trying to get his hustle on).  He needs to come pick up his belongings and soon because I am not a storage unit and I will donate it all to the Las Vegas Rescue Mission or something.  So hopefully I hear from him soon.

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