Monday, October 19, 2015

A Job? Me?

So I recently helped spruce up, update, and re-format a friend's resume in trying to help her prepare for her up-and-coming job hunt.  As I was typing out the information on her resume, I found myself stopping and asking myself "wait a minute....why am I not doing this and putting this much effort into my OWN resume and my own life as well?"  So after completing her resume, I set about updating and touching up mine, getting it presentation ready.  Once that was done, I then spent a large portion of the week combing through job advertisement links and sending out waves and waves of emails with a cover letter and my resume attached.  Just chugging along, no expectations of any response from anybody, not really thinking it would produce any results...And lo and behold, not 20 minutes after sending off an email/resume to one particular job advertisement, I received a call from the owner of the company saying they had just received my email and saw my resume and wondered if I had some time for a phone interview.  I said yes (trying to not sound too excited but trying to sound like I did in fact care in the first place lol).  After about 10 minutes of questions regarding my past history and experience and capabilities, I was then shocked further into stupid when she asked if I could come in tomorrow and work a full day 8:30 to 5:30 on a trial shift and then depending on how the day goes, see about an official job offer from there.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and am still in shock, thinking this is too good to be true.  There's some last minute scrambling together of some missing details I need to bring and have equipped but I fully intend to show up to this office tomorrow, step into the role they need, and knock their fucking socks off and land this position.  I know it's late, but I've been doing some last minute stuff tonight and then gotta wait till morning to do a couple things before actually going into work, but I think we might just be able to make this happen.

Please God.  Please let this be my time for this blessing.

Goodnight.  And amen.

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