Thursday, January 8, 2015

Emotional Respite

Joey's death is getting a little easier to cope with with each passing day.  I still got a shitty night's sleep and was dreaming of him again but I don't feel as emotionally raw and distraught as I did on Monday or Tuesday.  If anything, this has only reinforced the concept that I need to continue doing the things needed to take care of myself regardless of the situation , no matter what's going on.  Also, that regardless of how much pain I'm in, that I don't have to use over my feelings and that they are only temporary and they will pass.  While it was only a dog and not a human family member (because Joey was still a family member, just not a human one), I still feel a profound sense of loss and am grieving but I'm all the more aware of appreciative of the loved ones I have left and for all the positive things I have in my life and even more grateful for my recovery because without it I wouldn't know what to do with myself or my emotions or how to cope with them.
Joey's surviving brother, Buggy, is doing okay.  My mom's leaving him with a doggy day-care sitter for this week each day to transition him into spending the days without Joey while my mom is at work.  To be honest, I think mom and I are more upset over Joey's death than Buggy is and that we're projecting our emotions onto him.  Buggy's fine, we're the ones who are a mess.

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