Thursday, January 22, 2015


Yesterday was great!  I got to see N___!  I skipped the gym yesterday because S____ and I decided to take a rest day but we still went to the Noon meeting, which btw, was, as I was hoping for yesterday, a fucking NORMAL meeting (finally).  I definitely needed it.  I felt like I finally got a dose of medicine I had been lacking for the last few days.  Afterwards, I went home and had barely gotten in when N___ asked if she could come over then so we had a chance to talk and catch up.  She came over, I brewed some coffee, and we just sat and talked for 2 hours.  It was so good to catch up with my bunny!  I also, hastily, put together a CD for her with some of my favorite new tracks, so I hope she liked it.
After talking for 2 hours wen went and stopped at Starbucks (I finally signed up with that Starbucks iPhone app and had a free drink) and then we headed to Suncoast for The Hobbit:  The Battle of the Five Armies.

 It was AWESOME.  I'm so grateful I have a friend I can nerd out with because I totally geeked out during this movie; some of the scenes were so bad ass.  I ended up getting home past 7:30 though and didn't make it to bed until 10ish, so I slept in this morning waaaaaaaaaaay past my usual wake up time.  I didn't wake up till EIGHT!  Today I'm doing 2 meetings with my Sponsor (one at 10:30 and the other at noon), then we're hitting the gym.  It's almost Friday too!  Thgis week went by FAST.

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