Sunday, December 28, 2014

You Are [Not] Alone and You Can [Not] Advance

So I got crazy last night.  I decided to stay up late and didn't go to bed until 2 AM.  But I had a damn good reason:  Toonami on [adult swim] was airing the re-makes of Neon Genesis:  Evangelion:  1.11 You Are [Not] Alone and 2.22 You Can [Not] Advance.  At first I thought they were just going to air the first movie, but at the first commercial break after 1.11 started they showed a fucking epic commercial that said they were airing 2.22 right after so I was not only surprised but I sort of flipped the fuck out in my excitement.
Both movies were INSANE.  Psychologically deep, thought provoking, INTENSE, and gloriously bloody.  It was definitely a push outside of my comfort zone to stay up that late but it was SO worth it.  I haven't sat down and watched a full anime in years and it felt good (and still feels good today) to have done something I enjoy so much.  Sure, I may have slept in until almost noon, but I never have anything pressing to do on Sundays so I think I'm going to make this my new Saturday night routine:  Suze Orman at 6 PM, then Toonami on [adult swim] at 9 PM for a few hours for whatever movie is on or for a few shows until I tire out and go to bed.

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