Monday, December 22, 2014

Weekend Review

Yesterday was so much fun.  I ended up spending almost 8 hours out and about with mom shopping, going out to eat (we went to Cheesecake Factory for the first time in what felt like years) and I just got to enjoy her company and we had the best day.  I also went to Michael's and got what I needed for my art project (I needed some sort of canvas to work with) and I also got a portfolio folder to keep all my work in and got some different blade pattern scissors.  We went to the library too and I got a shit-ton of new books to read now that I'm almost finished with the Dark Tower series (O Discordia!  Say thank ya).  I finished off the day playing God of War then spending 2 hours getting the art project started and it's turning out exactly like I envisioned it in my head, only better.  Overall, I give this weekend an A.  :-)

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