Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Here Comes NYE

Again, I'm up entirely too early.  I wonder if it's because I'm going to bed so early?  I went to sleep around 9/9:30 last night so I technically did get enough sleep, but still -- I have no reason to be awake at this hour.  Also, it's fucking COLD out!!!  Almost too cold for a cigarette.  But I'm committed, a little frost in the air won't deter me from killing my lungs.
Otherwise, I feel like there's this anticipation building in lieu of New Year's Eve.  I don't know why though.  I'm probably not even going to be awake for the countdown and neither is my mom.  We're both usually asleep before 10 PM, so I doubt we'll make it to the countdown.  I do have some resolutions though and one of them is getting back to the gym and losing some of this fucking weight.  My sponsor said he'd go to the gym with me so that'll be some added motivation and support.
As for my new curtains that I posted about yesterday -- they're working out wonderfully.  They block out the sun...most of it anyway, but it sucks because I haven't been able to tell if they'll keep me asleep or not since I've been waking up so goddamn early!  DUMB.

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