Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday Review

This week has gone well so far.  I made it a goal every day to force myself to step out of my comfort zone and start reaching out to my friends and to interact with them and talk with them because that is the solution to my loneliness and isolation.  This has been a total success and I've already fostered renewed closeness and a connection with all my people I had listed that I wanted to reconnect with.  My routine now every morning when I wake up is to text all of them one after the other (I call it "making my rounds") and that gets me out of my head and gets me talking to others and listening to them about their lives and their day as opposed to being completely consumed with myself and wallowing in self-pity.  I've also tried to get to a meeting every day.  This hasn't been a total success because of not being able to find rides but I've made more meetings this week alone than I have in the past month, so "progress, not perfection."  I am going to a meeting tonight at 6 though and Brenda is going to meet me there so I get to see my wifey!!!
I've also already touched base with all my people so today is off to a good start (especially after sleeping for a little over 12 hours, I , apparently, was in dire need of some hardcore rest).  My goals today are to read my book (The Dark Tower VI:  Song of Susannah) and work on my Step.
Ready, set, go.

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