Friday, July 27, 2012

Finger F*cking to Death

You ever have a conversation with someone that has them giving you advice that has such impact and meaning to you, it's almost like getting slapped in the face?

Yeah, THAT just happened.

And she is absolutely right.  I am absolutely right where I am intended to be right now.  I need to stop finger fucking everything in my life to death, or, according to her, I am going to be a miserable fuck.  I need to stop trying to control and manipulate everything to go my way because that may not be in the Universe's design for me or in its plan.  And since we know that my best thinking got me here, we know my way and plans do not work.

Today, I need to remember to surrender, shut the hell up and take some guidance, and let the Universe work and stop trying to be in control of everything/everyone around me.

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