Monday, February 21, 2011

Birthday "Review"

so, i will admit, the actual day of my birthday was awful, then the subsequent weekend only continued it.  but now that it's monday and i'm able to switch over to "retrospective" mode  : it was that way because i manifested that myself and that sucks.  i put the role of Victim down, and i actually had a chance to see all the messages i received wishing me a happy birthday.  SOOO...I just wanted to say a tremendous thank you to all of you out there.  my entire post-feed on my profile is all birthday messages and birthday love, and that felt awesome.

so regardless of the horrible things i've done to people in the past, what matters is i'm not doing that today and as a friend of mine told me "but you're writing a different story now.  THAT'S what matters".  so today, just for today, i deserve(d) a good birthday.  so i want my presents now lol

Friday, February 11, 2011


"Hope?" he says.  "There is always hope.  New developments have yet to present themselves.  Not all the information is in.  No.  Don't give up hope just yet.  It's the last thing to go.  When you have lost hope, you have lost everything.  And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope."